Welcome to our web development workshop and study designed for students that are blind! These materials are open to anyone interested, and we welcome others to use what is provided for their own purposes and adaptations. Prerecorded lectures are available as MP3 files: Accessible Web Dev Lecture Recording
The most recent iteration of the course was held between 2:30pm and 5:00pm, on Saturdays between August 22nd and October 10th, 2020. We moved through these materials over 9 sessions in pace with student learning. Students were asked to complete a survey pre and post-workshop, and exit interviews to help us improve the course. For any questions, please contact claire.kv(at)nyu(dot)edu
Addditional help is available throughout the workshop on an appoinment basis. Please email claire.kv(at)nyu(dot)edu to book an office hour appointment. If you miss a session, please let us know and we can arrange a check-in. Additional remote work sessions will be held on Sundays toward the end of the course (Exact dates TBD).